Android turns 10, powers 88% of the smartphones today

The most popular mobile OS just turned 10 years-old and Android veterans will probably recall that the legendary T-Mobile G1 smartphone started it all. It was made by HTC and was powered by the very first iteration of Android - v1.1.

T-Mobile G1

It took some time for the OS to pick up the pace when Apple's iOS and Nokia's Symbian OS were already reigning the market. And towards the end of 2010, Android overtook its rivals and snatched the first place.

Today, the OS takes a whopping 88% of the market share while Apple holding 11.9% of the pie. Evidently, the open nature of the OS and the wide availability of low-end to top-tier devices won over many fans' hearts over the years shaping up Android as we know it.

Take some time to walk down memory lane and enjoy this old video of Google's staff introducing the first version of Android ten years ago.
