You may have lived thus far while thinking that the most important question one could ask about a smartphone was "Will it blend?". But apparently you were wrong. "Will it fry?" is much more relevant we're told - at least in Scotland.
So what are some enterprising chaps from Glasgow to do then? Naturally, coat the Galaxy S8 in authentic Scottish chip shop batter mix, and then place it into an electric fryer (with oil preheated to 200 degrees Celsius). The phone was left in there for a total of 60 seconds, and you can see what came out in the video below, which documents the whole ordeal.
Perhaps surprisingly, the Galaxy S8 still works after being subjected to such a treatment. It's not all perfect, though - the sole area of the phone that wasn't covered in batter (because it's the part The Fryer was holding with his glove) has a gold shine when the screen is off and a yellow cast when it's on. Additionally, the fingerprint sensor is pretty much toast.
Otherwise, though, things aren't bad - the device even rang just a few seconds after coming out of the fryer. So if you thought you saw it all when it comes to smartphone torture tests, well, think again.