Google Docs adds new option to export text files as ePub

Yesterday, Google added functionality to Google Docs to export long text documents as ePub files, largely compatible with almost every electronic reader and book reading app imaginable (except on Amazon Kindles as they have their own book format .mobi).

Reading long PDFs or word files on tablets or smartphones brings me back to my college days, it was the most annoying thing to do on a screen which the text was not formatted for, constantly having to pan, zoom, pan, zoom, pan, zoom, just to read small text that spans three times the size of the screen.

This feature should make the consumption of some of these types of files much more enjoyable to readers of such content. Perhaps it will facilitate the actual conversion of ePub files from copied text.

The update is rolling out now and should be complete in a couple of days. To export as an ePub file, you can go to File > Download As > EPUB Publication (.epub).

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