Apple removed the battery percentage indicator in the status bar for notched devices with the iPhone X but the latest iOS 16 beta 5 is now bringing the feature back. Users will get a new percentage indicator within the battery icon which shows the corresponding charge level. Early users are reporting that iPhone 11, iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13 mini don’t have the new battery percentage option.
Battery indictor in iOS 16 beta 5 (images: MacRumors)
Users who are running the latest iOS 16 beta and want to try the new option need to head over to the battery menu in the settings app and enable the battery percentage toggle within. The new battery indicator shows the battery icon as full until it drops to 20% or below when it turns red and shows the actual charge amount.
Battery indicator styles (images: @AppleSWUpdates)
Charging the phone makes the battery icon green and scales up the percentage numbers. Some users are also reporting that the new battery percentage indicator is hard to read with ligher shade wallpapers.
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